Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine is a comprehensive system of care that combines modern understanding of health and disease with traditional, natural healing techniques. Naturopathic Doctors are primary health care providers who use a holistic, individualized approach to assessment and treatment with a focus on prevention. Treatment plans are designed to address the root cause of illness rather than the symptoms.
One of the unique guiding principles of naturopathic medical practice is “Vis Medicatrix Naturae”, Latin for “The Healing Power of Nature”. Consider a broken part under the hood of your car. You don’t have much choice but to have a mechanic repair or replace it. Compare this with a deep paper cut on your finger. Unlike the car part, if you leave this cut alone, it is likely to heal. Of course there are factors that will affect this outcome –if you rub dirt in the cut, this might slow down or interrupt the healing process and if you clean and protect the cut, this might speed up the healing.
This self-healing ability is not limited to minor cuts and scrapes. The body is designed to maintain balance and health and, like in the example above, we can either support the healing process, or interfere with it. Naturopathic Medicine supports the natural healing processes and removes factors that are preventing healing from occurring. When people bring their health into balance, not only can they eliminate the concerning symptoms, but they also tend to have more energy, sleep better and feel better overall.