
Let’s talk about the importance of food in mental health care!

Looking for an expert in nutritional psychiatry? Dr. Aucoin is passionate about educating the public and health professionals about the role of nutrition in mental health as well as providing expert commentary on new study findings.

Your Health Minute Podcast Interview

In this interview, Dr. Aucoin discusses the design of her recent clinical trial and the role of nutrition in mental health

Dr. Journal Club Podcast

We talk evidence-based practice and the clinical trial that I am leading on the use of diet change plus omega-3 supplementation for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.

Produce Mom’s Podcast

Part of the Mind Your Melon Series, I talk nutritional psychiatry research and my top tips for supporting mental health through diet choices.

1001 Ways to Wonder Documentary

This episode of the documentary 1001 Ways to Wonder looks at the relationship between sugar and the brain.